3 note recorder songs
3 note recorder songs

The Book of Easy Duets for Recorder is a collection of traditional songs written in two part harmony for the beginning recorder student. Really Easy Recorder Tunes for Young Students is a great follow-up or companion book to The Recorder Fun Book – filled with lots of fun and easy to play songs. It is two recorder books in one – with the first half featuring letter names inside the note heads and the second half with traditional musical notation. The Big Song Book for Recorder is a compilation of more than seventy recorder songs using just six notes. (A CD is available for fun, play-a-long accompaniments to all recorder songs in the recorder book.) Used in hundreds of elementary schools throughout the nation, the recorder book introduces recorder students to the wonderful world of music making.


The Recorder Fun Book Series for Young Students is designed for the young, elementary school recorder student.

  • Hundreds of different recorder books exist for recorder instruction.
  • Recorders come in a few different sizes, so ensemble/choir music can be played without teaching new instruments.
  • 3 note recorder songs

    Recorder books are easy to understand – making them usable as a starter music book for young students. Recorders are light and don’t require a specialized embouchure.

    3 note recorder songs

    Recorders and recorder books are inexpensive.So w hy are recorders and recorder books used so much for music education in the schools? The recorder is a great instrument that is played by everyone from the complete beginner up to the conservatory-trained professional.

    3 note recorder songs